We’re trying something new! Our wonderful patrons often suggest segment topics that are way too topical for our production schedule. Talking about current events with our current recording arrangement mean episodes wouldn’t drop until months later.

Luckily, we like hard alcohol too! In Hot Takes on Ice, Spence and Caleb discuss a current event over a drink. It’s a mini-cast that doesn’t require much editing: we record it and drop it the next day. Hopefully, this will fufill our patrons desire for what’s in the news.

We’re still trying to avoid staring into the abyss of the modern political arena, so in our pilot episode we’re talking about something that’s been bothering Caleb: how should we feel about these new Super Bowl Ads?

This is an experiment. We might add it to the rewards schedule, we might not. Let us know what you think in the comments.

Song: For Sale by Golden Duck Orchestra

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